"Rowset cannot be loaded because the stream is invalid." in Windows 7
I am getting the error "Rowset cannot be loaded because the stream is invalid." when attempting to access a recordset on a client machine. It only happens on the client machines that have Windows 7. And only with certain recordsets. I am coding in VB6 and working with a SQL Server 2005 database. The exact same code, process, recordset, etc. work when it is done in Windows XP. I have tried this on multiple Windows 7 machines all with the same result. And it is consistent in that if I get it on a certain recordset with a certain set of data, I always get it on that recordset for that data. It is not a case of sometimes it works for a specific recordset and sometimes not. I suspect that it is some type of bug in Windows 7 having to do with setting a pointer related to a recordset but cannot find any workaround that is successful. The client machines are up-to-date with all service packs, etc. Initially I thought I had the error isolated to recordsets in which one particular field in the recordset was a certain length. At that point I redefined that field to a different length when creating the recordset but the error remained. Later it appeared that I could get the error on other recordsets with a different length in that field. From my testing though, I get the impression that it might be related to the combined length of fields which would probably follow if it is some type of pointer problem. I get the error as soon as I try to do an access to the recordset such as accessing a field or the EOF flag. Funny though, I can do a rs.Clone without getting the error but the clone doesn’t make the recordset usable. I still get the error when I do attempt an access. If anyone has any idea what I can try to get around this error I would be very appreciative. Thank you.
May 3rd, 2011 9:22am

Hi, This problem may be caused by Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), please refer the following : http://support.microsoft.com/kb/257953 Also you may trobleshooting the Windows MDAC by following: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms693114%28VS.85%29.aspx If the issue persists , I recommend that you may access the SQL forum http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/category/sqlserver/
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May 8th, 2011 10:40pm

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